So, today marks the day we get to plunder into the world of pirates and other high sea high jinx with the official trailer unveiling Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag.
I was highly disappointed that the trailer did not have any of the members from Black Flag in it and there was no music playing from the band in the background. How are you going to name a game Black Flag and not have ANY of the members in your game? I guess it’s because this game is about pirates and not about punk rock. I’d much rather play this game if it were set in the late 70’s and early 80’s and you played as Henry Rollins who was part of the secret order of Assassins. That’s the game I want to play.
Here is the official trailer for the upcoming title as well as a fitting Oct.29 (Halloween) release date. The game is releasing for all consoles and I’m assuming it’s releasing on the PS3 and PS4 seeing as when I did some sleuthing on the game website it only mentioned, Playstation, and not a specific console. Ubisoft always has launch games for new consoles and I don’t see why this wouldn’t be one of them.